Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I have enough money!

I would love to hear the words – “I have enough money” seep from someone’s tongue. Yes, I’m not sure I’ve ever heard that… it’s not a common sentence no matter how much money you have in the bank.

It is chilling if you think about the amount of time you spend with money. The amount of time it consumes your thoughts.

When traveling we think about the best way to keep our money safe and yet available. Weekly we think about the food on our table. Weekly and monthly we think about how we’re going to pay our bills. All of this doesn’t include any amount of time you think about your debt.

The amount of worry you carry and time you spend strategizing how to rid of the debt. I can honestly say there is not one day – much less an hour that goes by not thinking about money in some form.

The amount of worry that goes into money is unspeakable – so it is not surprising that in the verses following the parable of the rich fool Jesus continues with words of hope:

Luke 12:22-23

Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. Life is more than food, and the body more than clothes… Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your span of life?

We may be able to hear those words and find comfort in them, but worry still creeps into our lives no matter how much we pray or fight it. The world throws the heavy burden of worry to carry around.

In God’s kingdom there is no worry. In God’s kingdom there is enough for all…

God is the great Giver. God never buys or sells, but he gives unceasingly. It is of the very essence of God’s nature to give, and the more he gives the richer he is - David McCanaughy

In God’s kingdom there is enough for all!

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