Wednesday, August 24, 2011


I was at a celebration this past weekend. We were housed in a multi-million dollar (more than 4 mil) home on Sanibel Island with a beautiful view of the Gulf of Mexico. Some people have never stepped foot in a home quite this size and beauty. Let’s just say on the top floor alone had five bathrooms. There were only seven of us and between both floors we could all have our own restroom. There was a beautiful spiral staircase and of course a view that is breathtaking (or as I would say breath-giving).

I am sure you’re asking what one does in a multi-million dollar home for the evening. Play sardines of course. If you have never experienced sardines it’s a version of hide-and-go-seek where one player hides – everyone seeks – as you find the hider you hide with them until everyone is hiding together.

When it was time to move onto other games, it was drop a Kleenex from the top of the spiral staircase and see if you can get to the bottom and catch it before it lands on the floor. Next, use the cool doors that have a glaze, turn the music up, and dance oddly or move bodies as such to create cool shadows for the amusement of those on the other side of the door. Each room had its own unique way to become play. It was a group of 30-somethings turned into childlike-imaginative-play.

I have a friend who owns a nerf dartboard that uses it regularly and another who will gladly walk on his hands when asked. There is something in us that when we connect with our childlike-imaginative-play we feel free and a little more whole. The world is easier to deal with and a smile develops easily. Being connected with our Creator can have a similar and even more powerful effect.

When we attend a moving worship service, look at the beautiful creation of God, sit in prayerful meditation, or experience a “God moment” we feel free and a little more whole. The world is easier to deal with and a smile develops easily. It took a multi-million dollar home to remind me to play. Imagine what it takes for us to remember to connect with God.

Just as I don’t naturally say during my day, “Hey can we take a break for a game of Hide-and-go-Seek?” We don’t naturally say during our day, “I’m going to sit under a tree in prayer.” We’re busy. Sadly, busyness is something we make up. I met with a pastor this week who said, “I wish we could get together more often. I guess we’re too busy pretending to be busy.”

God didn’t create me to be busy. He created me to love. So I choose love. You?

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