Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Connecting with our Creator

I happen to be back from a two week vacation. It was a perfect mix of friends, family, celebrations, transitions, and food. I had days floating on the river laughing with friends. We did not watch the clock. We did not stress about the health of the next meal. Our bath was in the river and most of us did not stare at the screens that usually take up a majority of our day. And instead of the internet entertaining us it was creation.

I was entertained by God’s creation the water, bugs, dirt, wood, fire, fish… I can actually say that I walked on the earth everyday during vacation. In my normal routine I can’t say the same. I usually go from the garage to the car to the parking lot to the church via a sidewalk. Even if I run errands I don’t tend to walk on the actual earth.

I suppose I don’t really have to wonder why I always feel so much better after a vacation with my friends at the dirty outdoor log cabin. There is a quote by John Burroughs that comes to mind, "I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in tune once more." I have renewed a connection with my Creator. My senses exude with extravagance. Yet, after two weeks I was overjoyed to rinse off in good old city water. And even though I am clean today I look back and say, “I may have been dirty, but I was whole.”

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