By: Joseph Murdy
Have you ever tried to do everything yourself? When you do everything on your own how does it work out in the end? Are you satisfied with the results? How do you feel when you do something all on your own? When I try to do things on my own the results are usually the same, I get tired, cranky, overwhelmed and in the end eventually lose interest. When you work with someone, talk it out, or even take advice the results are always so much better. This kind of thinking is vital in relationships. I use the word “vital,” because without partnership the relationship suffers; it lacks life. This is just as true for all human relationships, as it is in our relationship with God.
Just the other day I was talking with someone who is about to get married. Just weeks away from the big day, you can imagine the stress and small details that still need done. My advice was not to forget that she is not alone in all of this. Planning a wedding takes team work. I told her, “Remember to ask for help.” Has anyone ever said that to you? Maybe in school when you were struggling with a difficult math problem or facing a challenging obstacle? How about when it comes to your faith?
If you find yourself struggling with prayer, struggling with self-worth, faith, discipleship, relationships with others, and even your relationship with God…Ask for help. YOU ARE NOT ALONE! No one ever said that faith and prayer were things we had to do all by ourselves. Prayer and faith require partnership. Remember you are not alone. If you are struggling, look to your fellow disciples, ask for help. Don’t forget, we have a God who has promised to always be with us. Look to God when you need help, and remember…you are not alone.
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