Joseph Murdy, Intern
“As he who called you is holy, be holy yourselves in all your conduct; for it is written, ‘You shall be holy, for I am holy.’” 1 Peter 1:16
What does it mean to live a Holy Life? I would think that for every person you ask, you are most likely to get a different answer. We cannot ignore the fact that the Bible does put forth guidelines for living holy lives. There are always some kind of boundaries, lines drawn, or demands made. The truth is the guidelines for holy living are gifts, ways in which God can keep us spiritually safe and in his constant care. The first of such guidelines are the Ten Commandments. These commandments are not meant to be a burden, but an opportunity to live according to God’s word. If you think about all the commandments, are they for God or for us? If you cheat on your spouse, who gets in trouble? If you lie, steal, covet, murder, who suffers the consequences? Consider the commandments to be God’s way of keeping His children safe. I give thanks that even though there are boundaries, when we step over them God always comes to get us.
Living a Holy life is about making the right choices and responding to God’s love. Jesus once summarized the entire meaning of the law, the Old Testament and pretty much everything else. If you want to live Holy lives, “love one another as I have loved you.” If you think about it, it’s really that simple. Consider all the areas of your life with wrapped with yellow caution tape reading “unholy.” What might you do to tear down those unholy walls, clean the unholy mess, and start living holy lives? If you are reading this and you want to begin living a holy life, start with Christ. 1 Peter says, “as he who called you is holy, be holy yourselves.” Holiness starts at the cross. It starts by admitting we need Christ. The second step has to do with conformity. When we conform ourselves to the desires of this world, we begin to look like this world. When we decide to conform ourselves to Christ, we begin to look like Christ. It is in Christ that we are all made holy before God. Christ has done most of the work; all it takes now is a little response. The meaning of the commandments: “Love one another as I have loved you.” Just love, it’s that simple!
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