By: Joseph Murdy
There in the guilty seat, I sat facing my accusers. All of my sins, doubts, and failures pointing at me with their long crooked finger of guilt and shame. I had done so much wrong. All the evidence was there, one picture after another came flashing through my mind. There was no need for questions, interrogation, or investigation I was guilty as sin…pardon the pun. As I sat deep into the chair I was terrified and trembling waiting for the verdict which would decide my fate. I was guilty and I knew it! I deserved the worst punishment! I should be locked up and forgotten. My mind racing with possibilities, what’s going to happen to me? Just when I could stand it no longer, the judge returned to give his decision. “I find you innocent, blameless and irreproachable. You are free to go.” (Col. 1:22)
Do you ever feel so guilty, so utterly ashamed, and all alone? This is how we find ourselves most days, especially when we forget what Jesus has done for us. Paul’s letter to the people of Colossae is full of reminders, “He has rescued us from the power of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.” (Col. 1:13-14) The feelings of guilt, shame and loneliness are the greatest obstacles in our relationship with God. They make us hid from God, our loved ones, and in some ways from ourselves. Today, remember that you are a child of God and God forgives you, abides with you, and loves you! “As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.” (Col. 2:6-7)
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