Joseph Murdy, Intern
Philippians 2:15b
Many years ago I did a children’s sermon at my home church which helped the young kids to visually see what it means to be the light of the world. I had each child take a candle while I lit it and immediately they place them all together. What they saw was how all the lights shined brighter when they were together. Visuals are great for kids, because they help create a picture when the concept might be difficult to remember. When was the last time you thought of yourself as a light in the world?
As I was reading scripture this morning this verse from Philippians blinded me for a moment. We often think of Jesus’ phrase, “you are the light of the world.” Essentially this is saying the same thing. But as I read it a different visual came to mind. That of Abraham standing on a desert plan baffled and humbled by the promise of God which said the stars which were before him symbolized all of his descendents. The problem was however Abraham had no children. If you don’t know the story unfolds, see Genesis 15-22. If you do know the story then you know that you are one of those stars which Abraham stood memorized by.
The truth is that if you light a candle it lights up a room. One tiny flicker can give relief to darkness; can you imagine what millions would do? As Christians called by Christ to be disciples in our world we are lights whose purpose is to bring light where there is darkness. We are called to shine like stars in the world. It’s incredible to think how brightly the stars shine considering how far away they are. My friends, today you are called to be like stars in the world. There are so many dark corners desperately in need of light. We can bring them hope, comfort and loving warmth. You might be struggling with faith, you might be wrestling with God, or you might think you can’t shine very bright. The good news is, we reflect the light of Christ. Child of Abraham, be a light for the world and shine like the stars!
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