Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Creative Streak

As I was trying to finish a sermon last week, I had the worst writers block! It was Saturday night and I had about ¾ of the sermon done. I finally gave in and did something I have never done before which was read the sermon to my boyfriend. Now this may seem like a given, to share a sermon with someone that close to you, but he falls in the category of “un-churched.” So I don’t automatically think, “I should ask Dave.” However, I was at the end of my creative streak and knew he would give me his full attention. I finished what I had written and he said, “It makes me think of that song by Katy Perry, Firework.”

That was it… he said one sentence and the last ¼ of my sermon was done. Something I have been struggling with for a week he inspired me with in one sentence. It is a strong reminder that the community in which we worship is vital and sometimes the people we least expect, help us the most.

I always assumed the people with whom I worshipped were those who joined me every Sunday morning in the pews. What a limited understanding! The community expands outside of the walls of the church and into our living rooms, work places, grocery stores, local parks…. God’s Spirit is not limited to worship service at 11 a.m. – God’s Spirit flows into every aspect of our life. As we see the Spirits movement we give praise and thanks at 11 a.m. together, that is what happens in the church service setting!

Katy Perry’s lyrics are powerful! I would like to widen an understanding of the lyrics to include: The light of Christ within us is what shines and as the brightness radiates to others the Spirit bursts forth into all aspects of our life! Watch for that movement,that light this week!


Crystal said...

I love this song - and I especially love that you used it in a sermon. The first time I heard it I thought it could totally be used to talk about how much God loves us and how much potential we have to do great things.

Thanks for sharing!

Pastor Dana said...

Crystal thanks for leaving a comment... it always makes my day to hear how people respond to what has been written.

Thanks for reading the blog and for taking the time to comment!