Once in a lifetime experiences don’t always happen at our convenience. Yet, sometimes those experiences are the transforming, life-changing ones. I believe we are so used to hearing the Christmas Story that it has become a norm. We don’t question how odd and unique this reality must have been for Joseph and Mary.
I can’t even imagine being Mary – “Umm, Joseph you know how we’re getting married? You know that I am a virgin. But I have to tell you I’m pregnant. I swear it’s from the Holy Spirit not another man. I promise honey.”
I am so glad that scripture doesn’t leave out the part about logical feeling – Joseph has his head on straight he planned to dismiss Mary quietly (Matthew 1:19). She is clearly either cheating on him or completely Looney. Then the angel appears and sure enough… Joseph stayed with her and took her as his wife.
This really is a once in a life-time experience. We marvel at God’s creation and gather in the wee hours of the morning to watch a shadow cast on the moon. That is glorious – but what happens when a drop of the Creator hits creation?
Now that is something that doesn’t just gather us in the wee hours of the morning. That is a glorious event that drops us to our knees everyday of our life.
I am on my knees wishing you a Merry Christmas!!
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