Wow! Is it that time again already? It’s time for, you guessed it, New Year Resolutions! If you are anything like most people, deciding what to do for your New Year Resolution will be easy. You just simply do what you said you were going to do last year around this time. We do that every year: “I’m going to do this, or that.” “I’m going to lose x# of pounds.” Or, one of my favorites… “I’m going to pray more often.” I don’t want to discourage you. I want to encourage you. We make those resolutions every year because they are the things we see as important. We all want to improve our lives. This is a great thing!
This year I want you to try three things which I think might help each of us stick to our resolutions. 1.) Instead of planning the entire year, start with a short-term goal of just January. Call it, “My January Resolution.” 2.) Tell someone you can really trust what you are doing. Tell them to ask you how you are doing with your goal every so often. We could all use a little encouragement. 3.) Most importantly make God part of your Resolution. Pray about what it is that you want to improve or make different. Let God guide you and help you in your journey for change. Remember, “With God all things are possible.” If you want to succeed, God can get you there!
I wish you many blessings at the start of this New Year. Remember Phil. 4:13 I can do all things through him who strengthens me. This year is going to be great! 2011! Let’s make God apart of it!
P.s. By the way, if you’ve never seen the adorable face above, it’s Baby New Year. If you haven’t seen “Baby New Year” make it one of your resolutions.