Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Have you ever had a day that unexpectedly turned out to be one of the best days of your life?


Have you ever had a day when you expected it to be the best and it only turned out so, so?

Expectations rule our experience of the world and our relationships. Often when we get angry at someone or something it is because we have a broken expectation. The day that surprised you with joy most likely happened because you hadn’t expected it. The day you had high expectations they were most likely not met.

Throughout scripture the word expectation is only found 6 times, but the word hope occurs just shy of two hundred times. Hope is the belief in a positive outcome not an expectation of it. Expectation can lead to greed. Hope can lead to recognizing we are not the ones in control. Maybe it’s time to put down our expectations and rely on hope.

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