Imagine being a young child and walking into a large closet full of shoes, clothes, and jewelry. You are small and everything you are looking at is large. Suddenly, the afternoon has lots of possibilities. You can mix and match shoes. You can put on one necklace or twelve. The closet is a costume chest of a fun new existence. The shoes make you walk differently. The clothes may drag on the floor but you can still twirl. The necklace makes you feel full-fledged, attractive, and extraordinary.
For adults the closet loses some of that magical vitality. Instead, we walk into the closet and stand there staring, feeling we don’t have anything to wear. We look through our shoes and realize these just won’t do. We look through our jewelry feeling that nothing really matches.
A poet friend, Oren Wagner, in his book Voluptuous Gloom writes:
you know that feeling
when you look inside
your full closet and think
you don't have anything to wear?
that’s how I feel
about everything
in my life
The New Year is a time where we long to clean out our closets: our emotional closet, our spiritual closet, our physical closet. We want a fun new existence as we weed out the bad that has infiltrated our lives, to fill them with the new vigor. We want to walk differently, letting go of that which drags on us so we can twirl and fill our life with that which makes us full-fledged, attractive, and extraordinary.
Jesus said… "For truly I tell you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you." Matthew 17:20We have been given a new existence in Jesus Christ! You are extraordinary.
If you would like to read more poems by Oren Wagner visit:
I have to tell you...I was truly stirred up by this comparison! My closet, my clothes, my imagination, my childlike faith, my willingness to let God refresh all things - including how I feel in my own skin.
Thank you!
Your welcome and thanks for sharing how it stirred you. Blessings to you in the New Year!
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